How to Choose the Right Laundry Product for You

There are so many laundry products to choose from these days that it can be confusing to know which product to choose for which clothes. We are here to help you whether you are looking to give the kids’ bed sheets a spring clean or wash your favorite shirt. Read on for a guide to the most popular laundry products and what to use them with.

Powder Detergent

What is it?
Households first started using powder detergents in the 1930s, but you can still find this laundry product on the shelves at stores all over the world. A synthetic detergent, powder detergent comes in both powdered and granular form.
Why should I use it?
Powder detergent is cost-effective and suitable to use in most situations. Great for fighting tough stains and easy to rinse, there is a reason why powder detergents have been around for so long.
Why shouldn’t I use it?
Clothes may become hard and rough after a few washes using powder detergent. There is also a risk that the powder detergent does not completely dissolve, causing it to stick to clothes. It is also not the most environmentally friendly laundry solution, as some powder detergents are not fully biodegradable.
What clothes should I use it with?
Great for cotton, linen, and chemical and blended fabrics. Not so great for wool and silk as it may damage the fiber of the clothes.
Before washing, pour the powder detergent into clean water and soak the clothes inside. Wait for the powder detergent to fully dissolve before starting the wash.

Liquid Detergent

What is it?
The main alternative to powder detergents is liquid detergents. This laundry product offers a gentler solution and is the number one laundry product in US households.
Why should I use it?
With a pH value close to neutral, liquid detergent is kind to clothes and gentle on skin. When you do not have any stain remover around, liquid detergent can be used as a substitute. Simply add a few drops of liquid detergent on the stain, rub carefully, and finally wash with water. On top of that, liquid detergent is also environmentally friendly as it dissolves quickly and uses less water.
Why shouldn’t I use it?
Liquid detergent is slightly weaker than powder detergent and is more expensive. Some users accidentally add too much liquid detergent per load, which can mean it is even more costly.
What clothes should I use it with?
Liquid detergent is suited for clothes that come into direct contact with the skin and for more expensive clothing. When it comes to clothes with lots of stains or dust, however, then it is best to avoid using liquid detergent.
Be careful how much liquid detergent you add. As a general rule of thumb, add 10ml of liquid detergent for every 1kg of laundry.

Laundry Pods

What is it?
The next evolution in laundry products after liquid detergent is laundry pods. The main way that these water-soluble pouches are distinct from liquid detergent is that they come pre-measured.
Why should I use it?
Laundry pods are small but are actually stronger than liquid detergent when it comes to washing. Easy to use, the laundry pods dissolve in both warm and cold water. Users do not need to worry about getting powder or liquid on their hands when handling this laundry product nor be concerned that clothes may be damaged in the wash.
Why shouldn’t I use it?
Laundry pods don’t come cheap and there is also the risk of the pods breaking and sticking to other pods.
What clothes should I use it with?
Laundry pods are meant for big loads so it is recommended not to waste them to wash just a few clothes.
Laundry pods will start to dissolve when they come into contact with any moisture at all, so don’t forget to completely dry your hands before handling.

Laundry Sanitizer

What is it?
While not a laundry detergent, laundry sanitizer can be added to washes to kill the vast majority of bacteria on clothes and in your washing machine.
Why should I use it?
Very hot water is needed to get rid of harmful germs when using only laundry detergent, but with laundry sanitizer you can kill pesky bacteria even when using cold water. By killing off these bacteria, the laundry sanitizer means your clothes will keep smelling fresh.
Why shouldn’t I use it?
One issue is that laundry sanitizer is stubborn to completely wash off. Also, laundry sanitizer has the potential to cause skin allergies to flare up due to the ingredients being used. Those with particularly sensitive skin may do well to avoid.
What clothes should I use it with?
Laundry sanitizer is great for washing large items such as bed sheets or quilt covers. It is important to note that some laundry sanitizers contain irritants and are not suitable for people with sensitive skins or babies.
Laundry sanitizer is quite corrosive so make sure to be careful with how much you use. Mix an appropriate amount with water and soak the clothes inside.

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